Social medias are the cancer of mankind.

Social medias are the number 1 reason of exponencial growth of anxiety, depression, bipolarism and everything else related.

We are the guinea pig generation, the lab animal, the testers of this unprecedented form of interaction and communication. We are facing the consequences of it and many years from now this very thing I said will be considered as a true fact by the media and health institutes in general.

The excess of interaction and global visibility we're able to get comes with a devastating psychological price that includes many of child/pre-teen/teen/adult's mental issues.

1-Social media is the place where your subconscious compares YOUR life with other peoples lives, creating a constant feeling of unhappines and unsatisfaction towards your own reality and circunstances. You may not realize it, but its happening.

2-Social media is the place where actual mental diseases are romanticized to the point of creating a collective unconscious state where everyone who's a little sad or feeling kinda down is induced to think they have depression, and these people are welcomed by an entire community of other people who keeps romanticizing (or actualy have) these mental diseases, therefore creating a snowball that keeps on growing and making people ACTUALLY depressed, which keeps on growing and growing.

2.1- And people tend to use it as some kind of ''social crutch'', denying that laziness and procrastination are most likely the cause of their problems.

2.2- And a good portion of this ''laziness and procrastination'' caused by the unhealthy habit of blaming personal life circunstancies in order to procrastinate certain tasks or obligations. Example: if I lived ''there'' I could do ''this''.....If I had ''this'' I could do ''that''.....instead of: Lets see if I can do ''this'' even living ''here''.........Maybe I can do ''that'' without having ''this''.......etc.

2.3- The constant exposure to other people's realities and circunstancies leads to the unhealthy mindset of blaming your own reality and circunstances (using it as a crutch) for your lack of attitude and initiative towards projects/dreams/tasks.

3-Social media is the place where media, along and allied with politicians and large companies (always putting their interests before population interests) loads you with huge amounts of fake news, tendencious and biased news headlines, purposely leading people to fight against each other over candidate X or Y, politician X ou Y, making people often distracted from the REAL problem, which is the corporatist SYSTEM the world operates with, not candidate A or B.

4- Social media is the place where you get many tiny amounts of dopamine constantly, eventualy making your brain addicted to those, therefore addicted to social media. You'll eventualy find yourself unable to go through 5 mins of your life without unlocking your smartphone once.

4.1- This probably will lead to a state where you become less and less patient about everything, and usually avoiding anything that doesnt gives you instant little doses of dopamine/serotonin, therefore making you procrastinate/avoid important things in life that would give you a huge amount of dopamine/serotonin in mid/long-term.

4.2- And along with item 2 this creates a scenario where almost everyone has/thinks to have true anxiety problems.

Some considerations:

-By ANY means this post intends to deny anxiety/depression as a major society issue. We have to face it: there is a banalization involved (caused by social media), and it drags people down with it, and there is a growing number of people who actualy develops mental problems BECAUSE of it.

-This post does not intend to naively generalize anything.

-Please not that the subject of the post is SOCIAL MEDIA, not INTERNET.

Prove me wrong.

Submitted June 09, 2020 at 06:09PM by plifran
