King of Thailand self isolates in a luxury German hotel with a harem of 20 women to play pubg mobile with them

It is believed that King Maha Vajiralongkorn, also known as Rama X, booked out the entire Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Bavaria and invited his fellows to play pubg mobile during the Corona Virus Pandemic.
It is not known whether Rama X’s fourth wife currently lives in the hotel with him. However, it is believed that 119 members of the royal entourage were sent back to Thailand because they were caught killing the bots and stealing kills from King Rama X.

According the the source King Rama X announced that any one from South East Asia Region who gave him chicken dinner in Pubg Mobile will award him 10 million UC (In game Currency) as a reward. Many famous players from the region are trying their best to avail this oportunity to play Pubg Mobile with King Rama X.

Back in Thailand people think King Rama X is out of him mind, he should be in his country and look after the people who are being caught by the Corona Virus. Instead he is living in a luxury hotel in Germany and playing Pubg Mobile. People are rising against him and it is said that soon the Kingship will be gone from Thailand.
